Last year the US Government imposed tariffs on a variety of imported goods from China, including a number of hardware sub-components we use in our products. The tariffs were scheduled to increase to 25 percent on January 1, 2019, but that was delayed and is now expected to go into effect on March 2, 2019. Should this increase take effect, you are likely to notice an increase in our prices.

With that being said we encourage you to purchase your Netgate® products before the increase. All products currently in stock on the Netgate store can be purchased at current prices until the end of February. If the product you are interested in is not in stock please contact Netgte sales to see if there is anything we can do.

The systems we believe to be affected will be:

As well as any add-ins EXCEPT for:

  • CPIC cards
  • Minnowboard single NIC quad-core boards

Thank you for your continued support of pfSense® by purchasing official Netgate hardware.